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Astrological Exploration of MULA April 5, 2009

Posted by Neelam in Articles.
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Astrologically, this subject of ‘mula’ or root has a deep import and a chart may unfold some significant details when we observe or read it from this angle. It can throw light on the different manifestations at all levels of a being – physical, mental and spiritual.

What is the astrological significance of three mula points of transmutation and the ‘one actual mula’ in any chart? Are they really to be dreaded? Are planets really weak when posited at these points? If so, why and when?

Kaal-sarp can be read in the ‘root’ light. What is the significance of ketu’s position in a chart. What does this mokshkarak really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to evolve to higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships and mental worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary point?

Once understood, the horoscope will reveal an entirely different aspect of any personality. For certain significations, we can directly co-relate with the yogic body, but for some we have to look for deeper esoteric meanings.

e.g a native having serious affliction to jyeshtha/mula sandhi, might suffer injuries/diseases in the area represented by this, but there is also another impact which is at psychic level and another one which pushes him on the spiritual levels.

Catch the Muladhar point in the chart and see where we stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:

Muladhar is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings commence their evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and sahasrara is where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at this stage of evolution?

Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala and nadis are situated in their legs which flow to their confluence point at muladhar chakra just as the nadis in our body flow to ajna chakra. Just as muladhara is the lowest chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest in the animal kingdom and it represents total darkness, where nature is not functioning and matter is completely dormant and static.

Chakras above sahasrara represent the higher divine conciousness. Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution and the first step in the highest divine evolution. How are the Lokas and the life within these lokas described in the shastras.

Don’t we see the behavioural pattern and psychology of a person unfolding here?

Kundalini is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When it passes through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole species with avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to follow the tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From muladhara onward we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara onward we enter the sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic. Prakriti controls them completely and benevolently, as they don’t think and have no power of realisation.

Can we relate these with actual manifestations in a native?

Once kundalini or primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution is no longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and he gets an ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards his evolution. That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in muladhara chakra and for further progress beyond this point it has to be pushed.

Within their range of chakras, all individuals within the species are at different levels on the scale of evolution due to their progress in previous lives, or the sadhana and sanskars. e.g someone might have kundalini in anahata at birth, and its ascension should start from there. But we can’t remember our previous lives, so we also forget about the state and level of the our kundalini.

Can’t we try and locate this point in the chart?

People born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are superior people in different aspects of life, depending upon the level of achievement. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists, research scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born with higher shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up. However, our materialistic societies consider these manifestations as abnormal and those who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and psychological scrutiny and treatment.

How do we see this in the horoscope? Is R/K axis a pointer to this development?

The ultimate purpose of this shakti is to ascend through all the chakras and to awaken them and their related parts of the brain. Aren’t these changes significantly relevant to with our day to day life. At the mental level, it will relate to our emotional make up. Our love and hatred, our relationships with people, they are the consequences of the quality of our present mind. Our sufferings, agonies and frustrations are not so much due to the circumstances of life, but more to the responses of our mind. The higher qualities of a man, such as love, compassion, charity, mercy, etc. are the expressions of a mind which is influenced by awakened conciousness.

Is Kaal-sarp yog pointing to these developments in a soul?

The concept of muladhara is understood as moola prakriti, the transcendental basis of physical nature. The whole universe and all its objects must have some basis from which they evolve and to which they return after dissolution. The original source of all evolution is mula prakriti. Muladhara, as the basis of mula prakriti, is responsible for everything that manifests in the world of name and form.


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